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Work Packages

Work Package 1 - Project Management

Led by: UNINA, Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico Ii 

During the project, they will

  • Establish and implement project management and quality plans (D1.1)
  • Create an initial data management plan to establish guidelines and methods for data management in the early stages of the project. (D1.2)
  • Continue to develop and refine their data management plan throughout the project. (D1.3)
  • Establish a comprehensive data management plan covering all aspects of the project, and this plan will be the project’s final version for data management. (D1.4)

Work Package 2 - Forest digitalization

Led by: CERTH, Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis 

During the project, they will

  • create a report on DigiMedFor forest data. (D2.1)
  • develop DigiMedFor toolkit for forest managers to measure forest variables and attributes (D2.2)
  • create DigiMedFor digital tool for inventory of Mediterranean forest resources (D2.3)

Work Package 3 - Grading and traceability of wood resources

Led by: CNR, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche

During the project, they will

  • Develop the DigiMedFor tool for in-situ wood evaluation and grading  (D3.1).
  • Create the DigiMedFor Data Traceability Platform System (D3.2)
  • Develop the DigiMedFor picture-based tracking system (D3.3)
  • Formulate guidelines for the digitalization of ecoservices provided by certified forests. (D3.4)
  • Release the final version of the DigiMedFor tool for in-situ wood evaluation and grading.  (D3.5)
  • Launch the final version of the DigiMedFor Data Traceability Platform System (D3.6)
  • Introduce the final version of the DigiMedFor picture-based tracking system (D3.7)

Work Package 4 - Forest management decision support systems

Led by: UNINA 


During the project, they will

  • Launch the DigiMedFor Knowledge Platform (D.1)
  • Develop AI-based predictive models (D4.2).
  • Create process-based mathematical models (D4.3).
  • Establish the DigiMedFor VFDSS (D4.4).

Work Package 5 - Demonstration and evaluation with end-users

Led by: DBL, Deep Blue  

During the project, they will

  • Develop the Pilot Evaluation Handbook (D5.1).
  • Conduct evaluations, impact assessments, and extract lessons from the pilots (D5.2).
  • Present results from the pilot tests and replication sites (D5.3).

Work Package 6 - Sustainability, uptake and adoption

Led by: PC, Pedal Consulting 

During the project, they will

  • Identify prospective customers and formulate value propositions (D6.1).
  • Develop a Go-To-Market Plan and Strategy (D6.2).
  • Create a Final Exploitation and Sustainability plan (D6.3).
  • Formulate a Skills Transformation Map (D6.4).
  • Provide recommendations on how to mitigate ethical and liability risks (D6.5).
  • Establish a regulatory framework (D6.6).
  • Offer recommendations on compliance and adaptation of standards (D6.7).
  • Develop the Initial Exploitation Plan (D6.8).

Work Package 7 - Stakeholders' engagement, Dissemination and Communication

Led by: ELARD European LEADER Association for Rural Development


During the project, they will

  • Prepare a Dissemination and Communication Strategy and Plan (D7.1).
  • Update the Dissemination and Communication Strategy and Plan (D7.2).
  • Develop a Stakeholders’ Engagement and Consultation Plan (D7.3).
  • Create Practice Abstracts – batch 1 (D7.4).
  • Produce a Joint Policy Brief (DIGIMEDFOR-SINTETIC) on Early quality assessment of timber products (D7.5).
  • Formulate a Policy brief on Sustainable management of Mediterranean forest ecosystems by means of digital solutions (D7.6).
  • Create Practice Abstracts – batch 2 (D7.7).
  • Generate the Final Report on dissemination, communication, and stakeholder’s engagement activities (D7.8).